Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring 2011!!

In celebration of the glorious eternal dance that is the changing of the seasons, or, um, something like that, here are some Common Terns performing head-turning acts of aerial ballet.

Terns at Leslie Street Spit, Photographer Robert Rafton
While it looks very poetic these terns are actually just quarreling over fish, which is something they do a lot.

Toronto Terns fighting in mid-air, photographer Robert Rafton
These guys should be arriving any day now. The best place to see them is on the Leslie Street Spit. They are actually quite hard to photograph because of the contrast between their white bodies and the black on their heads. If you expose for the white their black eyes are likely to be invisible, and if you expose for the black you'll burn out the white. You need to keep adjusting exposure until you get it dead on. The margin of error is perhaps a third of a stop...if you're lucky.

Common Terns, Photographer Robert Rafton
Click on any of these to get a better view. And get out there before the spring passes you by!