How typical: the animal world of the city is reading my blog and after I post a B minus shot of a Great Egret and whine and wail about how hard they are to find, and woo hoo hoo, sure enough, just a short while later I go to High Park again and there are three egrets, flying around, pretty much providing a photo op. And much more clearly here you can be sure this is indeed a genuine Great Egret and not the 'white morph' of the Great Blue Heron because the black legs of the egret are clearly visible. Click to enlarge.
PHOTO TIP: Just like with
swans, the white feathers of the Great Egret reflect a huge amount of light which means they can be hard to expose, especially if you want to balance with the background. With swans I say use the spot meter function of your camera, but Egrets are so slight and thin it can be hard to keep them centered all the time. Instead, if you see an Egret you're probably better off adjusting your exposure compensation down about one and two-third to two full stops.